About Us
It doesn’t matter if you’re here because you’re looking for help living independently, or if you want to make sure someone you love has the support they need to stay in their home. Right at Home Edmond believes there’s more to caring for people than just providing in-home assistance. You deserve a care partner that understands the course of your journey and will help you navigate the road ahead. Whether it’s preparing a meal or providing 24-hour care, we will be there for you.
Extraordinary service is something we never compromise on. With Right at Home’s decades of experience in providing integral care in communities, our time-tested, compassionate professionals help ensure safety and well-being for you and your loved ones.
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Our Mission
Put simply, our mission is to improve the quality of life for those we serve. Of course, we recognize that everyone’s idea of “quality of life” is different, which is why it’s so important to us to make you an active part of your own care plan. We want you to be in the driver’s seat regardless of any limitations or challenges you’re facing.
Most of all, we believe aging isn’t just about staying healthy, safe and independent. It’s also about living well.

Joel Herdzina, Owner
Right at Home Edmond

I love going to work each morning! I am so lucky to be a part of an organization that helps the community every single day. Our office has the most outstanding employees anybody could ask for, all working together in unison, providing wonderful experiences for our clients and their families.
Getting involved in home care started way back when I was in 7th grade. I was going through the process of Confirmation in our Church. Part of the process is I had to do several hours of volunteering in the community. At the time, especially for a young kid, community service was the last thing I wanted to do. But in order to be Confirmed, this was a must. So, of course, I did it.
Next stop was high school. I had a few opportunities in high school that involved volunteering, one in which I will never forget. It was two days a week, of going to a special needs elementary school, to help these children that couldn’t walk, or talk, or even feed themselves. This experience was just an incredible, jaw dropping understanding of a world I had never experienced before. It was difficult at first, but quickly developed into something I started to look forward to each week. I still remember those moments to this day.
My last stop, on this path to where I am today, was in college. I had the opportunity to study abroad. It was not your typical study abroad program where you go off to Europe and live just as you would in the States, partying all the time, etc. This study abroad I was on was very different. It was in the Dominican Republic, and was very community service based. We would stay with local families that had next to nothing material-wise and money-wise. No running water or toilets, or other first world amenities we are used to here. Yet they took each of us in as their own, and gave us everything they had. Their hospitality they showed us was just incredible and I have yet to see anything else like it.
All of these memories led me down a path to where I knew I wanted to help others. How could I give back? I no longer was ‘forced’ to help others, I now want to! Every day. Lucky for me the opportunity to do so was right in front of me. I got involved in home care when my mom and my two aunts asked me in 2012. And the rest is history!
Why Joel Chose to Provide In-Home Care
Joel shares his reasons for opening Right at Home Edmond and what drives his passion for home care. There is a depth of relationships this type of business offers both clients and their care team. The importance of helping people and supporting the community at large is a big part of serving others. Through in-home care, Right at Home Edmond offers an empathetic helping hand to support people as they live their future.
Carla Shepherd, Owner
Right at Home Edmond

Carla Shepherd is one of the Owners of the Edmond/Norman Right at Home locations. Carla serves as Vice President of the Company. She has 16 years experience in Home Care between the Kansas and Oklahoma offices. Previously, she was a Manager in the medical field for over 22 years before getting into Home Care. Carla currently works and lives in Wichita, KS and served on the Board of Senior Services. She finished her terms but continues to be actively involved in their fund raisers.
“I decided to get into Home Care after my sister, Jacque, in Omaha presented this business opportunity to me. It made sense because being around seniors was a way of life for us since our grandparents lived to be 88, 95 and even 100 years old! We have a very close family and were very attached to our grandparents. We understand the family bond so we wanted to help other families. The best of all, is being able to work with your sisters and nephew on a daily basis. We get continued training with new programs and services so our clients will be up- to- date on all opportunities available to them. We learn and try to improve with every case even after 16 years!”
Dee Horne, Owner
Right at Home Edmond

I am Right at Home Edmond and Norman offices’ President of Operations and an owner. My role with the agency spans the entire company from general operations to client and caregiver relations to the offices’ community involvements. A leader is not something you are. A leading is something you do. I pride myself on understanding and supporting all our team members — our family — while we meet challenges and celebrate successes.
Prior to my current position with Right at Home I worked in accounting for 25 years. I then joined my sisters at the Right at Home Office in Wichita KS, as Office Manager, and eventually partnered with my sisters and nephew to purchase the Edmond and Norman Territories.
I’m married with two grown children and three grandchildren. I’m very close to my family, while growing up we spent a lot of time with our grandparents, aunts and uncles; it was expected family takes care of family. My brother-n-law knew Allen Hagar the founder of Right at Home and when Allen decided to sell franchises, suggested that this business might be the one for us … we agreed. The Wichita office was the second franchise purchased by my two sisters. Today there are well over 400 Right at Home Franchisees. It is the most rewarding, and sometimes stressful, business I could ever imagine. Finding that right person to take care of a loved one is something we take very seriously, I take seriously, every day.
Sharing Our Core Business Principles

Right at Home Edmond is proud to be a BBB Accredited Business with an A+ rating. The Better Business Bureau Accreditation standards reflect our company’s core principles — the aspects of doing business that really make a difference to clients. A BBB Accredited business is expected to build trust, advertise honestly, tell the truth, be transparent, honor promises, be responsive, safeguard privacy, and embody integrity. Accreditation shows our commitment to, and operations within, these principles.
Our Philanthropy
Globally, an estimated 70 million people with disabilities have no access to a wheelchair. Those who cannot walk must crawl or be carried to their destination. In collaboration with a network of like-minded partners, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed more than 1 million wheelchairs to people with disabilities in 93 developing countries around the world, providing renewed dignity, independence and hope through the gift of mobility, at no cost to the recipient.
As an organization, Right at Home’s work with Free Wheelchair Mission began in 2016 as the company looked for a partner that would help us further our mission of improving lives worldwide. To date, the Right at Home team’s efforts have raised more than $400,000 that has funded over 5,000 wheelchairs, which were distributed through life-changing Vision Trips to Vietnam, Ecuador and Costa Rica.